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Cluster Setup

Within this chapter, we will cover establishing a workspace on the Campus Cluster. Workspace setup usually requires about 5 different steps.

  • Ensure the cluster can easily be accessed from a local computer.
  • Enable command shortcuts through aliases.
  • Setup a GitHub access token for pulling software in from private repositories (skip if not needed).
  • Create a space on a project drive for where R packages should be installed.
  • Install R packages!

Secure Shell (SSH) Setup

For accessing a cluster from command line, Secure Shell (SSH) is preferred. Access to the cluster requires typing out each time:

# password

Connecting in this manner is tedious since it involves repetitively typing out login credentials. There are two tricks that void the necessity to do so. Effectively, we have:

  • Passwordless login
    • Public/Private SSH Keys
  • Alias connection names
    • SSH Config

Thus, instead of entering a password, the local computer can submit a private key to be verified by a server. Not only is this more secure, but it avoids the hassle of remembering the password and typing it out while observers watch. Secondly, the connection alias will allow for typing:

ssh icc

Not bad eh?

Generating an SSH Key

On your local computer, open up Terminal and type:

## Run:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
## Respond to:
# Enter file in which to save the key (/home/demo/.ssh/id_rsa): # [Press enter]
# Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): # Write short password

Copy SSH Key to Server

Next, let's copy the generated key from your local computer onto the cluster.

## Run:

On macOS, prior to using ssh-copy-id, the command will need to be installed. Homebrew provides a formula that will setup the command. Install using:

# Install homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install the required command binary
brew install ssh-copy-id

SSH Config File

Inside of ~/.ssh/config, add the following host configuration. Make sure to replace <netid> value with your personal netid.

Host icc
    User netid

Note: This assumes a default location is used for the SSH key. If there is a custom SSH key location add IdentityFile ~/.ssh/sshkeyname.key after the User line.

Bash Aliases

Bash has the ability to create command aliases through alias. The primary use is to take long commands and create short-cuts to avoid typing them. Alternatively, this allows one to also rename commonly used commands. For example, one could modify the ls command to always list each file and show all hidden files with:

alias ls='ls -la'` .

We suggest creating a ~/.bash_aliases on the cluster and filling it with:

# Learn about own job progress
alias jobs_info='sacct -u $USER'
alias jobs_user='squeue -u $USER'
alias jobs_active='squeue -u $USER --states=RUNNING'
alias jobs_waiting='squeue -u $USER --states=PENDING'
alias jobs_n='squeue -u $USER --states=RUNNING | wc -l'

# Learn about cluster work
alias jobs_stat='squeue -o "%8i %12j %4t %10u %20q %20a %10g %20P %10Q %5D %11l %11L %R" -p "stat"'
alias node_config='sinfo -o "%20P %5D %14F %8z %10m %10d %11l %16f %N"'

# Quick action job manipulations
alias jobs_hold='scontrol hold'
alias jobs_release='scontrol release'
alias jobs_kill_all='scancel -u $USER'
alias jobs_kill='scancel'

# Run an interactive job
alias si='srun --cpus-per-task=5 --pty bash'

You may download this directly onto the cluster using:


To ensure bash aliases are available, we need to add the file to ~/.bashrc:

# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
    . /etc/bashrc

# Source list of alias commands
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.bash_aliases

# Auto-load a set of modules
if [ -f ~/.init_modules ]; then
    . ~/.init_modules

Note: the load modules component is shown

You may download this directly onto the cluster using:

rm -rf ~/.bashrc

Optional: GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)

We briefly summarize the process for getting and registering a GitHub Personal Access Token in R.

PAT Token Walkthrough Video

The token may be created at:

From there, we can add it to the R session with:

touch ~/.Renviron
cat << EOF >> ~/.Renviron

Alternatively, within R, the token can be added by typing:


Then, writing in the configuration file:


Default R Package Storage Location

R's default library directory where packages are installed into is found within the user's home directory at:

# location for R 3.6.z

# location for R 4.0.z

# location for R 4.1.z

Installing packages into the default location is problematic because any files placed within a user's home directory count against the directory's space quota (for limits, please see (Cluster Storage). As R packages can take a considerable amount of space when installed, the best course of action is to change the default library directory. Therefore, R packages should be either stored in a project directory or a purchased space allocation on the cluster that an investor may purchase.

The path to an investor's space is given as:


Frequently, the cluster staff will create a symlink into the investor's directory once authorization is given. In the case of Statistics, the investor name is stat, so the directory would be either:

# or the symlink version:

In any case, we recommend creating and registering an r-pkgs directory under the appropriate project space. The registration with R is done using the R_LIBS_USER variable in ~/.Renvion.

# Setup the .Renviron file in the home directory
touch ~/.Renviron

# Append a single variable into the Renvironment file
cat << 'EOF' >> ~/.Renviron
# Location to R library

# Construct the path
Rscript -e 'dir.create(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), recursive = TRUE)'

Under this approach, we have move the location of the default package directory to:

# the expanded version of %p and %v give:

Note: After each minor R version upgrade of R x.y, you will need to recreate the package storage directory using:

Rscript -e 'dir.create(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), recursive = TRUE)'

One question that arises:

Why not set up a generic personal library directory called ~/Rlibs?

We avoided a generic name for two reasons:

  1. New "major" releases of R -- and sometime minor versions -- are incompatible with the old packages.
  2. Versioning by number allows for graceful downgrades if needed.

In the case of the first bullet, its better to start over from a new directory to ensure clean builds.

Though, you could opt not to and remember:

update.packages(ask = FALSE, checkBuilt = TRUE)

Install R packages into library

Prior to installing an R package, make sure to load the appropriate R version with:

module load R/x.y.z

where x.y.z is a supported version number, e.g. module load R/4.1.1_sandybridge will make available R 4.1.1 that works on any cluster node.

Once R is loaded, packages can be installed by entering into R or directly from bash. The prior approach will be preferred as it mimics local R installation procedures while the latter approach is useful for one-off packages installations.

Enter into an interactive R session from bash by typing:


Then, inside of R, the package installation may be done using:

# Install a package
install.packages('remotes', repos = '')

# Exit out of R and return to bash.
q(save = "no")

Unlike the native R installation route, installing packages under bash uses the Rscript command and requires writing the install command as a string:

Rscript -e "install.packages('remotes', repos = '')"

Be careful when using quotations to specify packages. For each of these commands, we begin and end with " and, thus, inside the command we use ' to denote strings. With this approach, escaping character strings is avoided.

Installing Packages into Development Libraries

If you need to use a different library path than what was setup as the default, e.g. ~/project-stat/r-libs, first create the directory and, then, specify a path to it with lib = '' in `install.packages().

mkdir -p ~/project-stat/devel-pkg
Rscript -e "install.packages('remotes', lib = '~/project-stat/devel-pkg',
                             repos = '')"

Installing Packages from GitHub

For packages stored on GitHub, there are two variants for installation depending on the state of the repository. If the repository is public, then the standard install_github("user/repo") may be used. On the other hand, if the repository is private, the package installation call must be accompanied by a GitHub Personal Access Token in the auth_token='' parameter of install_github(). In the prior step, if the ~/.Renviron contains GITHUB_PAT variable, there is no need to specify in the install_github() call as it will automatically be picked up.

# Install package from GitHub
Rscript -e "remotes::install_github('coatless/visualize')"

# Install from a private repository on GitHub
Rscript -e "remotes::install_github('stat385/netid',
                                     auth_token = 'abc')"

Parallelized package installation

By default, all users are placed onto the login nodes. Login nodes are configured for staging and submitting jobs not for installing software. The best practice and absolute fastest way to install software is to use an interactive job. Interactive jobs place the user directly on a compute node with the requested resources, e.g. 10 CPUs or 5GB of memory per CPU.

Before installing multiple R packages, we recommend creating an interactive job with:

srun --cpus-per-task=10 --pty bash

Once on the interactive node, load the appropriate version of R:

module load R/x.y.z # where x.y.z is the version number

From here, make sure every package installation call uses the Ncpus = parameter set equal to the number of cores requested for the interactive job.

Rscript -e "install.packages('remotes', repos = '', Ncpus = 10L)"