7 Submit Multiple Independent Jobs
Note: This technique was developed to submit jobs to the cluster due to the job array being disabled long ago. With the switch to Slurm, the job array built-in feature has been activated. For details on how to use the built-in Slurm job array, please see (chap-array-jobs-slurm-r?).
7.1 Problem statement
Consider the need to obtain random numbers across varying sample sizes and means.
\[N = \begin{cases} 250 \\ 500 \\ 750 \end{cases}, \mu = \begin{cases} 0 \\ 1.5 \end{cases}\]
7.2 Sample Job script
# Expect command line args at the end.
= commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
args # Skip args[1] to prevent getting --args
# Extract and cast as numeric from character
rnorm(n = as.numeric(args[2]), mean = as.numeric(args[3]))
Download a copy onto the cluster with:
wget https://hpc.thecoatlessprofessor.com/slurm/scripts/sim_job.R
chmod +x sim_job.R
7.3 Sample Parameter Inputs
250 0
500 0
750 0
250 1.5
500 1.5
750 1.5
Download a copy onto the cluster with:
wget https://hpc.thecoatlessprofessor.com/slurm/scripts/inputs.txt
Note: Parameters are best generated using expand.grid()
= c(250, 500, 750)
N_vals = c(0, 1.5)
= expand.grid(N = N_vals, mu = mu_vals)
sim_frame# 250 0.0
# 500 0.0
# 750 0.0
# 250 1.5
# 500 1.5
# 750 1.5
Write the simulation parameter configuration to inputs.txt
write.table(sim_frame, file = "inputs.txt",
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
7.4 Faux Job Array Script
# job_builder.sh
# Job Arrays without the Resource Manager
# Version 2.0.0
# James Joseph Balamuta
# balamut2@illinois.edu
# ## Example
# # Allow the builder script to work on the file system
# chmod +x job_builder.sh
# # Run the job builder
# ./job_builder.sh
### Builds the job index
# Create a sequential range
array_values=`seq 1 3`
# Add individual job values
# Note: Have a "space" before first element!!!!
array_values+=" 4 5"
# Warning: This does _not_ pad numbers meaning job IDs created will _not_ be
# sorted appropriately on the file system
### Generate a Slurm file for each Job ID
# Modify the contents of the Slurm file to be relevant to your simulation
## Set the duration the job should run in hours:minutes:seconds form.
## Note: Submissions to secondary queue are limited to 4 Hours
### -------- Do not modify below here -------- ####
for i in $array_values
cat > ${SLURM_FILE_NAME}${i}.slurm << EOF
## Set the maximum amount of runtime
## Request one node with and one core (multiple under slurm is done with X*Y)
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
## Name the job and queue it in xthe secondary queue
#SBATCH --job-name="${SIM_NAME}${i}"
#SBATCH --partition="${SIM_QUEUE}"
## Declare an output log for all jobs to use:
#SBATCH --output="${SIM_NAME}.log"
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu="${SIM_RAM}"
module load R/$R_VERSION
export PARAMS=\`cat $INPUT_CONFIG_FILE | sed -n ${i}p\`
R -q -f $R_SCRIPT_FILE --args \$PARAMS > data${i}
exit 0;
# Launch the job and then remove the temporarily created qsub file.
for i in $array_values
# This submits the single job to the resource manager
sbatch ${SLURM_FILE_NAME}${i}.slurm
# This removes the job file as Slurm reads the script at submission time
rm -rf ${SLURM_FILE_NAME}${i}.slurm
Download a copy and run on the cluster with:
# Download a copy
wget https://hpc.thecoatlessprofessor.com/slurm/scripts/job_builder.sh
# Enable the script to run.
chmod +x job_builder.sh
# Submit jobs to the queue